Continuing Education Opportunities

RCAW knows how important it is to continue to learn and build your skills in caring for people with disabilities. RCAW is excited to offer funds for active people on our registry and family caregivers to access a variety of continuing education experiences. Individuals can request more than one continuing education opportunity, but there are limited funds, so RCAW will try to meet as many requests as possible.  These opportunities will be offered through September 29, 2024. 

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].  

RCAW Respite Grant Program

Below are the dollars awarded to family caregivers, agencies, and new and existing programs to increase respite care statewide. To learn more about our grants, here.

Updated June 01, 2024 

Dollars Awarded to New & Existing Respite Provider Agencies
Dollars Awarded for the Group Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Caregiver Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Supplemental Respite Grant Program