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Looking for a Respite Care Worker or Provider?

Fill in your name, email, and county information in the form below.  Please check your email inbox (and junk folder) for a link to the Wisconsin Respite Care Registry, where you will be able to conduct a search from our Wisconsin Care Registry for Respite Care Workers or Providers in your area.

Disclaimer: Please note that the registry is provided for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. Providers in the database does not represent an endorsement, and providers not listed in the database does not constitute a lack of support. RCAW assumes no responsibility for any claims arising from the use of the respite care registry. We do not check the background, references, or any other aspect of the companies and individuals listed here. You must take responsibility for reviewing the experience, background checks, and qualifications of any respite care provider or agency that you hire.

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Overview of RCAW Respite Grant Programs

Updated April 01, 2024 

Dollars provided to new and existing respite care agencies to increase respite across the state
Dollars provided to agencies through the Group Respite Grant Program
Dollars provided to family caregivers to receive respite care through the Caregiver Respite Grant Program
Dollars provided to family caregivers through the Supplemental Respite Grant Program