Respite Connections

Welcome to Respite Connections! This FREE resource allows family caregivers to submit posts with their specific respite needs, for example:

  • Age of the care recipient(s),
  • Acuity/descriptions of care needs,
  • Hours of respite needed,
  • Location & county,
  • Payment sources.


Respite providers looking for clients can search for Respite Connections and contact families to find meaningful jobs that provide respite care.  

Family caregivers can also search the Wisconsin Respite Care Registry, a database of in-home or agency-based respite care providers that most closely meet their needs.

Disclaimer: Before proceeding to Respite Connections, please review the RCAW WI RESPITE CARE REGISTRY AND RESPITE CONNECTIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE BY CLICKING HERE. Respite Connections is provided as a community service for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. RCAW reserves the right to refuse a post on Respite Connections or to remove an existing post on Respite Connections for any reason not prohibited by prevailing law, with or without cause. By creating a post on Respite Connections or responding to post on Respite Connections, you agree to hold RCAW harmless, and indemnify RCAW, from any and all claims, causes of action, charges, fines, taxes, costs, or damages that arise from your use of Respite Connections and from your communications with any person or your contracting to provide any services to any person.

RCAW does not check the background, references, or any other aspect of the agencies and individuals listed in Respite Connections. If you are using the Respite Connections to search for a provider, you must take responsibility for reviewing the experience, background checks, and qualifications of any respite provider or agency that you may hire as the providers are self-reporting all information.  For more information on Background Checks, please review full terms and conditions of use linked above.

RCAW Respite Grant Program

Below are the dollars awarded to family caregivers, agencies, and new and existing programs to increase respite care statewide. To learn more about our grants, here.

Updated January 01, 2025

Dollars Awarded to New & Existing Respite Provider Agencies
Dollars Awarded for the Group Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Caregiver Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Supplemental Respite Grant Program