The CORE Grant Program is currently not accepting applications.
The purpose of the CORE Grant Program is to:
1.) Expand the pool of trained respite care providers by hosting recruitment and outreach events,
2.) Educate family caregivers about long-term care resources, including respite care, and
3.) Collaborate with agencies that support family caregivers, including but not limited to ADRCs, County CLTS, and CCOP staff, Tribes.
This grant is for your community or organization if you are:
- A county or local government agency,
- A tribe or band,
- A community-based private, non-profit entity, or
- A community-based private for-profit entity.
For more information about the types of activities that could be supported with the CORE Grant, look at the Overview and Application Forms.
- A respite care worker recruitment, training & retention event or job fair,
- A family caregiver outreach or education event,
- An in-home respite care business start-up information session, or
- Other activities as approved by RCAW that support our mission.
The CORE Grant is a collaborative effort. While there are a set of responsibilities for both the grant recipient and RCAW, the RCAW staff is here to help you in a number of ways. Please read the CORE Overview And Application to learn more about how we can support you in your local outreach or educational activity.

More Questions?
If you have any questions about the CORE Grant Program, your eligibility, or other resources, please contact RCAW Project Manager, Rachel Watkins-Petersen.
Respite Care Association of Wisconsin’s CORE Program funds are a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services—Division of Medicaid Services.