
Caregiving is in a critical state and a task force was established in response to the dire need for direction, recommendations, and protocols to address and improve the current situation for caretakers.

With “an estimated 580,000 family caregivers and more than 90,000 direct care workers in [Wisconsin],” it is time to provide the necessary help and support this group of individuals needs now more than ever before. (

“The Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving was created to support and strengthen the direct care workforce, increase access to care, and improve the quality of caregiving in Wisconsin.  The Task Force welcomes input from family caregivers, professional caregivers, health care providers, and other citizens interested in improving working conditions for individuals who care for people with disabilities and older adults, leading to a better quality of care for the people they serve.” (


There are "an estimated 580,000 family caregivers and more than 90,000 direct care workers in [Wisconsin].”

Respite Care Association of Wisconsin’s (RCAW) very own Executive Director, Lisa Schneider, is a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving (GTOC).  Lisa is photographed above with her daughter Kelsey (both wearing black and white stripes in the photo) when Governor Evers signed Executive Order #11 on February 18, 2019.  “I am thrilled to have been a part of this representing RCAW,” said Schneider.

On September 10, 2020, the Task Force decided to include 16 proposals in a package of recommendations shared with the Governor and other state leaders. A complete report detailing the process and recommendations was developed by the Task Force released on September 30, 2020. 

Visit the GTOC’s website, where you can join the email list, leave a comment, and stay up to date!

RCAW Respite Grant Program

Below are the dollars awarded to family caregivers, agencies, and new and existing programs to increase respite care statewide. To learn more about our grants, here.

Updated November 01, 2024 

Dollars Awarded to New & Existing Respite Provider Agencies
Dollars Awarded for the Group Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Caregiver Respite Grant Program
Dollars Awarded for the Supplemental Respite Grant Program